Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"Letter to Valentino" from Oysters and Pearls Collection by Mitzi Szereto

Letter to Valentino     

Rodolfo Alfonso Rafaello Pietro Filiberto Guglielmi di Valentina d’Antonguolla. A richly spiced mouthful of consonants and vowels that form your name. But I imagine you were a mouthful. A mouthful I’d never get to taste, except in my dreams. Rudy, my Rudy, did you even know how I felt? How I wished we could have danced together, your slim Sicilian hips swaying madly to the music, your hands encasing my more rounded counterparts. Pelvises joined in song—or as joined as they could possibly be under the circumstances. 
We would have
danced the tango like you did in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, our eyes boring into each other’s as we glided like a pair of seals in water along the dance floor, your hardness pressed to my softness, our breaths intermingling in mist and roses. How many times I dreamed of you taking me dancing at the Coconut Grove, me in a beaded gown, you in tails. You were such a good dancer. They say you used to be a gigolo at Maxim’s before you came to Hollywood, a taxi dancer for lonely matrons. People say such cruel things...

They say you loved Ramon, then later, Paul. I don’t believe any of it. How could I, when your black eyes burned into me as I sat in the front row of the movie house watching The Sheik? Eyes don’t lie. Nor did the pulsing between my thighs as I watched you kissing Agnes Ayres. Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan.

I wanted to be your Lady Diana Mayo. And at night in the lonely darkness of my bedroom I was...

Sometimes I thought it might be nice to play the temptress for a change, Dona Sol corrupting your Juan Gallardo. You made such a handsome matador, with those brocaded toreador trousers hugging your backside and thighs and those delicious...

I adored this story... A woman who had met Valentino in her teens is now older, looking back toward the man she had fallen in love with so many years ago. She stills pines for him, so she writes him a fan letter??? a love letter, more like it...😍

Szereto has done extensive research on this short story which reviews many of Rudolph Valentino's movies and on through his death and what happened during this time period as fans mourned this great screen lover. This is a perfect example of why I so enjoyed the book. This book includes erotica, but the stories are complete and interesting in themselves!

What I didn't foresee was... ahhh, you'll have to find out...but it was a fine ending to the story, I must say!

I was forced to get into the spirit of the Letter and do a little research myself and create a little fan page...what do you think? P. S., I was not a fan of Valentino...until I read the "Letter to Valentino..."

Book Review Coming Next...

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